The Rotunda Steps
Somewhere Shreddy
The Rotunda, University Avenue, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Wow, a lot of you want to talk to squirrels, and/or hug a tree. Clearly, in these uNpReCeDenTed TiMeS, we are all starved of social interaction… I get it. Lets fix that.
This will be a SECOND CHANCE to tree climb together, priority given to those who are currently wait-listed for the first trip. If you don’t get on this one either, don’t fret, I literally love climbing trees and could/would be happy to do this until it gets so cold that our hands freeze onto the tree branches. If you’re confident and #qualified (as defined by the following), check out the “Leading Trips” section on the resources tab of this here website – the plus side of trip leading is that you are guaranteed a spot on your trip. Heck yeah.
“Are you terrified of the bold UVA squirrels that roam grounds, unchecked and unchallenged in their search to dominate UVA trash cans and potentially take over the school? Do you sometimes wish that homo sapiens evolved with tails so that you could dangle from tree limbs at will? Do you have a weird urge to hug every cool tree that you see?
Let’s show those squirrels who OWNS THIS SCHOOL and vibe with some cool trees by CLIMBING THEM and TAKING OVER THE SQUIRREL HEADQUARTERS (jk we will climb respectful of wildlife)!!! Join me in a QUEST to bum around/find the BEST climbable tree on grounds. We will meet on the rotunda steps at 7, climb a few practice trees that I scoped out this summer near the lawn, and then quest to find new ones, potentially watching the sun set from the leafy realm as we go. The only requirements for this trip are that you have confidence that you a) won’t have a panic attack in a tree and b) wear a mask (and c) maybe bring a beverage to stay hydrated). Also, clothing that is ~inconspicuous~ so that we can spy on people from above (jk) (unless) (no really tho save ur bright orange uva shirt for another time). This is also a great trip if you are new to UVA and just want to get to know grounds//the gardens around the lawn! OR JUST BUM AROUND IN SOME TREES! WOOHOO!”
Reminder that if you sign up and end up not being able to join us, LET ME KNOW/drop the trip so I can let another hopeful crusader in the fight against squirrels onto the trip in your place.