Corner Of Echols Dorm
Corner Of Echols Dorm
Mile 6.25 Crag
Do you dream of sailing down cliff faces, getting swallowed by the depths of caves and canyons, or zipping from arches and bridges into empty space? Then come learn about and practice rappelling!
In this hands-on workshop, we will cover:
– the basics of how to rappel
– setting on natural anchors
– rigging retrievable and non-retrievable rappels including toss and go, double ring, biner block, and knot block setups
If time allows and folks are comfortable with the basics, we’ll also cover:
– extending the rappel (ex. if you need extra room at your harness)
– adding friction to the system (ex. to control speed if you’re heavy or the rappel is long)
– how to rappel without a device (ex. if you dropped your ATC)
– ascending (ex. if you rappelled too far)
– tandem rappelling (ex. if your belay partner is injured)
We will be using a cliff face off of the Blue Ridge Parkway (the Mile 6.25 crag for my climbers out there; about a 35 min drive). The rappel will be about 50 feet (15m). We will be doing laps, so be prepared to make the 50 ft rappel 10+ times. We will be hiking back up to the top, so bring shoes that can handle the steep, leafy terrain.
To ensure everyone gets the attention needed and maximum time on the rappel line, I am limiting this trip to 4 people. If there is enough interest, I will post a second section to get more people out there and living their rappelling dreams.
You will benefit most from this workshop if you are already comfortable with a few basics listed below. However, we can cover these topics briefly if you need a refresher.
– tying a figure 8 knot
– tying an overhand knot
– tying a prusik
– tying a double fisherman’s knot
– natural anchor basics like the tensionless hitch, basket hitch, wrap 3 pull 2, etc.
– setting up an ATC
Gear to Bring:
– climbing harness
– ATC + locking carabiner (note: you need an ATC even if you bring a GriGri)
– clothing appropriate to be outside for several hours
– personal anchor system (optional)
– helmet (optional, but encouraged)
– prusik cord (optional, but strongly encouraged)
– water and snack (optional)
I will bring dynamic and static ropes, webbing, and some other anchor-building materials.