Corner Of Echols Dorm
Also Corner of Echols Dorm
Riprap Trail Parking, Grottoes, VA, USA
*Sorry I had to repost-technical difficulties*
Let me preface by saying I’m quite proud of that pun…it took me an entire lecture to come up with when I probably should’ve been focusing(numbers go brrr). All I’m saying is I deserve some appreciation for my sacrifice, y’know, my weight in gold or something like that. But I’ll settle for you signing up for this trip, which is an implicit agreement I’m the swaggest(Check the terms and conditions(Don’t really do that lol, I don’t wanna waste your time)). Anyway I’m back with my weekly hike to some miscellaneous place in Shenandoah, which fun fact, may mean “Beautiful Daughter of the Stars” in the original Native American language….don’t really have a sarcastic joke to make about that it’s actually kinda elegant…SO LET’S GET A MINIVAN UP THERE.
Okay I’ll stop now. Riprap is a pretty popular trail that features…trees, views, mountains, creeks, etc, the usual beautiful world that’s in our backyard alluring us away from boring lectures. This is a somewhat difficult hike, at about 10 miles with a 2100 foot elevation gain or so. To me, this is certainly doable if you are in half-decent shape, and I’m happy to accommodate plenty of breaks, but decided to be cautious and list this as a difficult hike, rather than moderate. That being said, don’t be afraid to sign up if you’ve only done a few hikes- I love to get new people out there. I have a national parks pass and vehicle, so you don’t need anything to come…except ready for a good time!
All Trails:
The weather report calls for rain in the late evening, so we’ll hopefully avoid it, but just something to be aware of.
Meet at 9:30, on the road by 9:45(Early to avoid heat of day)
Arrive by 10:45
Done by 3:45
Back home: 4:45, Can stop for munchies, or go on home 🙂
What You Need:
-Lunch/Dinner/Snack (Optional)
-Hiking shoes(at least close toed)
-An Absolutely Amazing Song of the Week(Yes, this will be on the exam): Mine is “Going Away to College” by Blink-182, an underrated gem
I’ll Bring:
-Emergency Supplies
-NP Pass
-A ride 🙂
P.S. I totally understand things come up, but please withdraw as soon as possible. Lots of people wanna get out there, and I wanna be able to offer them the seat if its open!