Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Riprap Hollow, Shenandoah Park
I can make the hikes Saturday, so I want to hike this Sunday!
The riprap loop is not too far away, although we will have to avoid skyline drive, and it is about a 9.5 mile loop.
So the plan: leave from echols at 11am (sleep in!), hike a decent pace (not too fast, But this is not a beginners hiking trip. If you want to get into hiking, you should start with the humpback rock hike as an intro).have some lunch on the trail and head home.
I will waitlist till i have drivers.
You provide:
Hiking boots/athletic clothing
2 Liters of water is recommended.
first aid kit if you have it.
Snacks and LUNCH
HEadlamp/flashlight just in case.
Sunscreen/bug spray never hurts either.
Club provides: gas money
Lindsey Shall