Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Franklin Crag
The weather looks good for sunday. Let’s head to Franklin. There is good climbing there for most levels (5.7-5.12). There are good easy/moderate routes there so this should be a fun trip for anyone.
The trip is for anyone who knows the basics (email me if you are unsure if it’s an OK trip for you).
We’ll leave at 7am drive (~1.5 hrs), climb all day, and then get dinner in Harrisonburg on the way home. I would imagine that we’ll be home around 10, but please don’t sign up if you need to be home early.
You bring: Lunch, water, dinner $, sturdy shoes & climbing equipment.
Club provides: Gas money & *hopefully* whatever climbing gear you need. This depends on me getting access to the gear room, but I don’t know if that can be done over spring break [sign up and i’ll find out in the meantime — by which i mean: officers, please tell me 😉 ].