Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
We will be climbing indoors at one of the nicest climbing gyms in VA. This trip is suitable for anyone including beginers. The gym offers sport routes, in addition to troprope, for those interested.
I put down 7pm as the end time, but if people want to climb longer or less we can have groups of people leave at different times. Do not assume that you will be back at Cville at exactly 7pm (unless you are driving) since it is up to the drivers when to leave. Normally though most people like to leave early…
If you do not know how to belay, then you should arrive at Echols at 11:00am so that we may teach you before we leave for the gym.
Outdoors at UVa provides:
All climbing gear
You must bring:
A lunch or at least a snack to replenish lost energy.