Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
For those of us who didn’t get to go on Thursday, I bring you Saturday Peak! We will head to Peak for an afternoon of fun, then probably hit up a restaurant on the way home. You will need your own climbing gear unless you grab some tonight at gear room. Group of 5 or more is preferred so we can get a discounted rate. DRIVERS ARE NEEDED!PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
You Provide:
$9 for a daypass
Money for food stuffs on the way home
Climbing gear if you have it
Good conversation for the car ride
Club provides:
Seat in a car
Gas Monies + 30% for drivers
Gear if you need it (If you get it at gear room tonight!)
Depart at 10:45 and be back at Echols around 5 to 5:15. That way no Saturday night plans will be disturbed.