1535 Gordon Avenue
Snowshoe Mountain
Snowshoe, WV is one of the best ski resorts in the east. The mountain offers 57 slopes in 4 different ‘territories.’ We will drive to Snowshoe on Friday night (about 3-4 hours) and spend the night in one of Cass, WV’s finest cabins. Unlike years past (and the trip in early February) this trip will be a little more low key on the partying, mainly because we could only get 1 cabin. But, good times will be had by all! After skiing all day (and all night, if you wish) on Saturday, we will return to the cabins and make dinner. Sunday will be whatever you want it to be — people will invariably want to go back early on Sunday, but some drivers may wish to stick around for another day of skiing or snowshoeing.
Outdoor at UVA Provides:
A warm place to stay. The house has multiple bedrooms, cable tv, heat, and possibly a fireplace. There’s only room in beds for so many people, so many will sleep in a sleeping bag (provided) on the floor or on a couch. A lottery will be done to see who gets the beds. The club will also provide Saturday breakfast and dinner, as well as Sunday breakfast. Finally, as long as 20 people sign up, we will be able to get a group discount on tickets. With the discount, the ticket prices will be $57 adult, $52 student for a full day of skiing.
You must bring:
WARM SKI CLOTHES! Skis if you have them. If you don’t, bring money to rent some. Bring a sleeping bag/pad if you have them, otherwise, the club will provide. You will need money to get lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and you should bring food for your Friday dinner. Also bring any beverages that you may want to consume since there are no stores within a few miles. Finally, bring your checkbook or cash to pay for tickets (credit card not accepted). If you are a student, BRING YOUR STUDENT ID since you can’t get the student discount without it.
If you are at all interested — SIGN UP! In past years we’ve had a lot of people drop near the end and everyone that signed up was able to go! To get 20 people, we’ll have to pack it in big time — so, just be forewarned!