116 Washington Avenue - A.K.A. Shred Shack
116 Washington Avenue - A.K.A. Shred Shack
116 Washington Avenue, Charlottesville, VA, USA
The astute among you guys will notice that this trip coincides with the bike assembly trip. Indeed, this is no coincidence: building bikes is demanding work, and after long hours tinkering with allen screws and poorly-aligned brake calipers, there is little that the mind and body so jointly require more than a well-prepared s’more. Your job, as attendee of this trip, is to make that s’more.
The club shall provide the necessary capital resources and raw materials for this endeavor. You shall provide the labor resources. You shall assemble yourselves about the fire, perhaps choosing to socialize, and set about assembling s’mores. Some s’mores will be delivered to those in the garage working on bikes; some will be delivered to the residents of the Shred Shack. Begrudgingly, I concede that you may even deliver some to your own mouth.
Note that the best s’mores are cooked over a bed of embers, slowly. The wielder of the cooking-stick should know their marshmallow intimately; they should reverently consider the melting and oozing of its sweet innards; with steady and patient hand, they should coax its tender skin to brown and beige above the all-consuming fire, a metaphor for their passion of those things gooey and soul-sustaining. Please, none of that ‘I-like-to-burn-my-marshmallow’ bullshit. Marshmallow cooking is romance, and romance should not involve the impatient and coarse and vulgar scorching of things in an open flame. Make with care and love and patience, I beg of you.