Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Snowshoe Mountain
I found a cheaper cabin at Elk River that seems nice and not too expensive. If 8 people come, the price per person will be $27.50 for lodging.
The itinerary is:
Leave at noon and arrive at Elk River around 3:30pm. It is possible for one car to leave later.
Eat dinner at Silvercreek. Club does not pay.
Ski at Silvercreek.
Club provides breakfast.
Ski/board all day. You are on your own for lunch.
Ski at Silvercreek at night, although one car needs to go back around 8 so I can start cooking.
Warm up with some hot and spicy jambalaya and other delicacies from my home state.
Club provides breakfast.
Ski/board all day. You are on your own for lunch.
Leave for Charlottesville around 7-8.
We will stop for dinner on the way back, but the club does not pay.
We currently have enough drivers for 8 people and the cost with this number will be around $27.50 if you have a season pass and your own equipment. I may take more if more drivers sign up, which will reduce the cost of lodging.
I’ll need one or two volunteers to help with the cooking on Saturday, experience not required. Please let me know if you are interested.