Snowshoe Mountain
Snowshoe Mountain
Alright peoples, I got excited when I found out that Snowshoe was starting a college pass program this season. Considering a single lift ticket there is $65 I was pretty stoked for the new $300 price tag. $300 is already $200 off the $500 regular price for a season pass.
Why settle for 40% off? =)
After a few calls I got a hold of their director of marketing and told him how awesome we are at UVA. He gave in to my asian mind tricks and offered us all $200 passes to Snowshoe mountain! Sweet!
So we’ve established that this is a white hot deal economically. That coupled with the inherent rarity of this deal should be making your american consumer sense kick in. The only thing I’m missing is a 3 day time limit and then you would want it even more. That would suck. I’m setting the date at November 16th. You’ve got a solid month to mull over this, although you should’ve stopped reading a paragraph ago.
Those of you who have been to snowshoe know how sick it is and need no other explanation. For those of you who haven’t been let me extol on the virtues of Snowshoe.
Wintergreen is close by. It’s our home mountain, we’ve gotta show it love. It’s 45 minutes away and perfect for learning. Unfortunately, Wintergreen is also small, icey, and small.
Snowshoe compared to Wintergreen
Number of Trails: 60 vs 25 (really it’s more like 20)
Annual Snowfall: 180in vs 35in
Chairlifts: 14 vs 5
Bottom Line: Learn at wintergreen, and then ride Snowshoe.
97% of my ideas are good, and 20% are gold, this falls squarely in diamond. You want this pass. Trust me.
This is a one time thing. The director himself (Brad) will come down and issue passes for that day only. If you’re not there, or don’t have your money ready, you’re SOL. If you cannot be there physically, you can give me your money. The price is $200 with tax, the actual amount is like $209 and change. I will send an email with the exact amount later to those on the waitlist. To get in on this deal, join and you will be added to the list.
For those of you considering going to Whistler this year, keep in mind that both Whister and Snowshoe are owned by the same canadian parent company, Intrawest. That means that if you go to Whistler you can save 50% off your lift passes for the week, meaning $210. That’s more than the cost of the snowshoe pass itself.
Spring break will also include trips out to Colorado. Guess who has mountains in Colorado? If you guessed Intrawest, I did a good job leading you to the answer.
Think about it.
The cost after tax is: $210.94
Meeting: Friday, 16th, Clark 101 @6pm