Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Snowshoe Mountain
Want to make the most of your Snowshoe season pass? We’ll take advantage of the last weekend in Feb. to ski/ride and admire the original snow gear on display at Snowshoe Saturday and Sunday. I don’t know if I’ll be able to match Craig’s Cajun dinners but I’ll definitely give it a try (not cajun but hopefully still good).
You Should Bring: skis/boards, boots, lunch money, season pass or money for tickets
Club Will Provide: breakfast, dinner, and gas money
The cost is currently $0 because it will depend on the number of people who sign up, however I expect the cost to be around $25 for the weekend.
The number of people on the trip will depend on how many drivers with 4×4 or ones who are comfortable driving in the snow we get.