Skiing (Downhill) Skiing (Downhill)
Snowboarding Snowboarding


  • Feb 5
  • 08:00:00
  • Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door


  • Feb 6
  • 18:00:00
  • Charlottesville


  • Feb 1
  • 23:45:00


  • $140.00


Taught by Matt Rosefsky
NOTE: spaces fill up fast, so the sooner the better.

Accidents happen. People get hurt, sick, or lost. The temperature drops, the wind picks up, and it starts to rain. Would you know what to do? Many backcountry emergencies are preventable, and even when bad things happen, sometimes the wrong care can make things worse. By learning a few basic skills, you can make the difference between a good outcome and a bad one-and maybe even save a life.

The WFA is the perfect course for the outdoor enthusiast or trip leader who wants a basic level of first aid training for short trips with family, friends, and outdoor groups. It also meets the ACA guidelines.

The WFA is 16 hours long (two days), and focuses on the basic skills of: Response and Assessment, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Environmental Emergencies, Survival Skills, Soft Tissue Injuries, and Medical Emergencies. We won’t be spending the night, it’s just too much material for one day. Check out the full description at:

NOTE the class is NO LONGER tentative. It’s a go.

NOTE because the outdoors club is going as a group, there’s discounted rates. $140 instead of $165. Also, the club reimburses you if you lead a certain number of “wilderness” trips, i.e. outside of the “golden hour” (more than 1-2 hours from a hospital) AFTER the class during year-long membership period. See the club page at:
0 – 1 adventures: no reimbursement
2 adventures: reimburse 10% of the cost ($14)
3 adventures: reimburse 20% of the cost ($28)
4 – 5 adventures: reimburse 50% of the cost ($70)
6 + adventures: reimburse 100% of the cost ($140)

I will sign people up as transportation and space in the class becomes available. We will meet at the same time and same place both days.




Trips Attended: 77 Trips Led: 16

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