Running (Trail) Running (Trail)
Social Events, Potlucks etc. Social Events, Potlucks etc.


  • May 11
  • 06:45:00
  • Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door


  • May 11
  • 10:30:00
  • Mint Springs


  • May 9
  • 14:00:00


  • $10.00


Imagine: you’ve fought through finals; summer is yours, and sweet seasonal freedom flows through your veins unabated by assignments, readings, or deadlines. It’s that summer feeling, washing over you – another well-accomplished school year finalized – and you ride high on the expectations of long road trips, shaded trails, and reunion with old friends.

It feels energizing, right?

Well, put that newly-found energy to use: start off the summer right and hit the ground ~running~ at the Crozet Running Trail 5K!! This race is pretty laidback and open to the general cville community. The signup fee is dirt cheap ($10). If you’re a beginner runner or have never raced before, this is a great opportunity to try racing in a low-stress, low-commitment environment. The signup link can be found here: AND you get a free t-shirt. (The race is part of a larger series, which you may also sign up for if you wish. However, this trip is specifically for the single race, not the series).

Please Bring:
– Appropriate running shoes and clothing
– 1 or 2L of water and snacks. They will have water at the race,
but please bring some of your own.
– An ODC shirt or tanktop. This is a great opportunity to rep your
favorite club (ie, ODC) to the Cville community!

Trip Timeline:
– Meet at Echols dorm at 6:45 AM on Saturday, May 11
– Drive 30 minutes to the race. This will leave us with 45 minutes
to get our race packets, t-shirt, and change/stretch.
– Race begins at 8:00 AM
– Return to Cville by 10:30 AM or sooner (probably sooner)

Online registration ENDS on May 9th at 6:00PM. You may still sign up on race day morning, but only if there are remaining spots available. (Also, to get the free t-shirt, you need to sign up before April 29th).

**Drivers, since the race is very close to grounds you will not be reimbursed for gas. However, you’ll enjoy waitlist priority and the deepest gratitude from your passengers.




Trips Attended: 98 Trips Led: 60

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