Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
Summer Peak! Lets go to Peak. And lets climb those fake rocks.
Meet @ Echols, 6:00, climb ’til you drop for $10. Will be back in Cville around 11 pm.
If you do not know how to belay, you can sign up for a class ($30, call to reserve a spot: 804 897 6800.) Once you take the class, you can get belay certified as early as the next day AND get a two week free trial membership. (I will be going there every week, so if you come with me, that saves you $20!)
Not new to climbing, but not belay certified? Two options: bouldering, or taking the belay test and get certified (call to make the reservation).
HMU if you are lead belay certified. We can lead together <3