Corner Of Echols Dorm
Corner Of Echols Dorm
Humpback Rock, Virginia, USA
For those who haven’t done Humpback, it’s wicked short (under a mile to the top) and has a great sunrise view. This hike will be pretty chill, but it is fairly steep so make sure you’re up for that.
5:50 – Meet at corner of Echols dorm
6:00 – Leave (no later than 6 so don’t be late)
6:35 – Arrive at trailhead
7:05 – Summit
7:15 – Sunrise
7:30 – Start hiking back to the car
8:00 – Leave for cville
8:35 – Arrive on grounds, Bodo’s?
What you need:
– Hiking boots or something sturdy
– Layers – be able to strip down to not sweat too much on the way up and bundle up to watch the sunrise
– Water – a liter should be fine
– Club reimburses $$ for gas (+50% tip), MUST arrive with full tank of gas
– Drivers receive priority off of the waitlist