Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Keene, VA
Due to an overwhelming response from people who are interested, or might be interested, I decided to make it a trip. So here’s the deal:
7 mile loop in Keene, VA. I’m going to run it twice, so if you’re only interested in doing one loop, I’ll try and find someone who can drive and return early. Otherwise, plan on bringing water, warm clothing for after you cool down, a snack, and something to read. I’ll let you know how things develop. It looks like there’s a chance of rain or snow, so dress appropriately. Unless the weather forecast significantly worsens, I’m not going to change my plans.
Here’s a map of the course:
You can choose to view elevation to get an idea of how hilly it is.
We’re meeting fairly early, as it’s at least a 20 minute drive, and we’re parking at a church that has service at 11.
I’ll try and post runs weekly for people who are interested. If you know some cool place in the county to run, let me know and we can check it out one week.