Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Walnut Creek Park
Do you:
– Enjoy disc golf?
– Like frisbees?
– Always wonder what those weird metal fixtures at Walnut Creek are? (the ones that look like cages for midget go-go dancers)
– Want to do something fun outside on Sunday morning?
– Like cake?
If one, many, or none of these apply, then you should consider coming out to Walnut Creek this Sunday for a round of disc golf. Absolutely no experience is necessary, just a willingness to try something new and perhaps a vague notion of how to throw a frisbee. I’m not too good myself, but will be happy to give out the few pointers I’ve picked up along the way.
I’m pretty flexible on the start time; 10:00 seemed like a decent hour but I’m open for a slightly earlier/later start if the majority is so inclined. Space is limited to 4 (maybe 5) for now unless more drivers and/or disc owners sign up. I should have enough discs to go around, but if you have your own, please bring them. Oh, and unfortunately there’s a $3.00 entry fee to get into Walnut Creek since it’s still before Labor Day.
– water for hydration
– footwear suitable for traipsing through the woods of Walnut Creek
– $3.00 for park admission = [
– disc(s) (if you have them)
– seat in a car
– disc(s) (if you don’t have them)
(Sorry, cake is unlikely to be provided.)