Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Ridge Road
This week we’re heading back out to Ridge Road, and I’ll be checking out a new 14 mile run (new for me, anyway). The best part is, if you’re not ready for a 14 mile commitment in your life, you can just run Ridge (7-8 miles total) or even add on a couple of miles on Decca (+ 2 or 4) to get whatever sort of fix you need.
The 14 mile course goes further out on Garth RD away from Cville, then turns onto some quieter back roads, winds around, and eventually ends up at the far end of Ridge, so you run Ridge RD back to the car. The worst hill on it is the road at the end of Ridge, plus one other large one about halfway through.
Ridge, in case you missed last week, is an all gravel out and back with 1 big hill on either end.
Come out and run!
PS Sunday should be beautiful, if a little chilly to start out with. Wear layers, bring water!