Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Are you wanting to go relax on a beautiful Sunday? Looking to recover from all that partying you’ll be doing this weekend? Then you’re in luck! This coming Sunday (October 30) I’m leading a hiking trip to the beautiful Spy Rock! This trip is the perfect opportunity to forget about all your troubles and to just relax with some of the most spectacular views in Virginia.
We’ll be leaving from Echols at about 11 AM, then we’ll drive about 1 hour to the parking area, hike for about 1.5 hours (about 3.1 miles), then we’ll drive back so we should be back at UVA by about 4 PM.
There’s room for 5 in my car (including me) so that means we need some more drivers if we want more people! I’ll cap the trip at 10 until more drivers become available. People with cars with get priority off the waitlist!
What to Bring:
-Sturdy running/hiking shoes
-Water, more water than snacks probably
-Money for food, or bring your own lunch
It’ll be an absolute blast so come along!!