Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Dick Woods Road
I am going out to run 7 or 8 miles (the first four miles out and back) this Sunday on Dick Woods Run. I have not been here before, but there have been club trips here before.
The impression I gather is that it is a nice quiet gravel road. I run at a moderate 9-10 minute mile pace. It should be sunny, and probably just warmer than freezing. I think appropriate attire would include gloves, leggings, a long sleeve shirt base layer and a head band for ears. Bring some money if you might like to join in a quest for an unhealthy food reward afterward (Waffle House anyone?)
If there is a lot of interest and more drivers, I will expand the trip. I am not going to bother with gas reimbursement if you are offering to drive, although it will probably be me.