116 Washington Avenue - A.K.A. Shred Shack
George Washington National Forest
Greetings Earthlings,
I don’t know about you fellow students, but all of this schoolwork has been bogging me down. I mean, 3 tests in one week?? Get real.
Dry weather is in the forecast, so this Sunday, let’s go to the George Washington National Forest (http://www.trailforks.com/region/national-forest-trails-west-of-harrisonburg) and ride that tasty singletrack.
-meet at 830 at Shred Shack and load up bikes
-drive 1.5 hours to trails
-shred, snack, more shred
-potential swimming hole
-arrive in cville by 6 or so
-bike and helmet (if renting, arrange by Saturday)
-3L water
-1 beer for your captain
-bad attitude
-gnarly trail riding experience
Check the map out and see what you want to ride. I’d love to hit narrowback and potentially a reddish knob shuttle to cap the day off. Other trails I’m considering are lookout mountain and dowells draft, but I’m open to suggestions.
Ride or Die