Bonnycastle Circle
Snowshoe Mountain
Kick the new year off with a Sunday (1/2/2011!!!) Snowshoe day trip. Leave 6:30 a.m. From BonnyCastle Parking lot. Return time is negotiable. I plan on spending most of the day on shay’s revenge and and black diamonds of the western territory!
Lift tickets are around $80 and rental packages are roughly $30
Drivers should fill up BEFORE meeting
Club will cover:
Gas money + 30% for drivers
Free ride for others
You provide:
Gear / rentals
Season pass or day lift ticket
Pack water, snacks/food (or$) you’ll want to consume during the day
Extra $ for dinner if people want to grab something on the way home or when we get back to Cville
# of attendees is dependent on # of drivers. I will take people off the wait list as drivers sign up