Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Rocky Top Gym
Take a break from the Sunday studying for a quick trip to Rocky Top. No books or belaying experience necessary, Rocky Top is all BOULDERING so no harnesses or belaying experience is necessary.
THE PLAN: Leave Echols at 4:45, get there around 5 and climb until they close.
***Please sign the waiver before we go if you’ve never been to Rocky Top before.
To Bring:
-$12 for a day pass
-Student ID
-Climbing shoes, you can rent these at the gym but put your dues to good use and go check some out at a gear room ($3 to rent)
-Chalk bag, just personal preference ($1 to rent, but again…gear room)
DRIVERS NEEDED! Drivers get priority off the waitlist. Since the drive is so short, I will NOT be reimbursing for this trip.