Corner Of Echols Dorm
wherever ya wanna go
Blackrock Summit, Appalachian National Scenic Trail, Grottoes, VA, USA
Although fall appears to be falling away from sight the sun will still set on Sunday and it will still look pretty from the Appalachian Trail… If what you want is a very chill hike to Black Rock Summit with some beautiful views, good vibes and (hopefully) a nice sunset then this is for you. The plan is to head to Black Rock Summit which is a short hike of about 1.9 miles, hike to the summit, vibe and enjoy the sunset and views and then head back to Charlottesville for around 6.30/7pm.
What to bring:
– a headlamp (if you want)
– something warm probs
– any snacks ya may want
– some money if the drivers do not have a pass
If you have any questions message this number please not the number on the web page +44786029299 🙂