Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Humpback Rocks
It’s starting to get dark at a reasonable hour again (8pm!!!) which means (you guessed it) sunset hikes. I’ll be moving away from Charlottesville (sad!) at the end of May and want to get in some sweet views in my last weeks here so will leading two (that’s right, two!) sunset hikes this week.
This adventure goes to the one and only Humpback Rocks. They’re just as beautiful as the last time you went only better because rainbow skies and springtime
Roll out from Echols at 6:30
Arrive at Humpback Rocks parking lot ~7:15
Hike, sing songs, tell jokes, etc.
Head back around 8:30/9
Arrive back in Charlottesville circa 9:30pm
Hiking shoes
Layers (it’s liable to cool off around sundown)
Headlamp and/or flashlight (please pick one up at gear room)
I have room in the car for four plus me. Drivers welcome! First four to sign up have guaranteed spots, more people dependent on drivers