Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Walnut Creek Park
The club has 4 stand up paddle boards (SUPs), and we will be putting them to good use at CREEKATHON. Creekathon is the club’s end of the semester cookout/ mega trip at Walnut Creek Park (~20 mins away).There will be eating, hanging, and general frolicking. We will spend some time hanging out and paddling and swimming starting before the cookout. I don’t think that the water will be too chilly (since water has a higher specific heat than air woo). I will take a few people early to Walnut, but people are more than welcome to use the SUPs during the cookout! (you will not be officially added to this trip but I wanted to mention that so people can plan ahead with what to bring)
You bring:
bathing suit
change of clothes
Drivers needed!!!! You will get priority off the waitlist and my eternal gratitude.
Please join the main creekathon trip if you haven’t already for carpooling and food buying purposes.
I put the end time for this trip as 4pm (the same time as the main creekathon trip) but there will definitely be people leaving the park earlier, so don’t worry if you need to be back earlier.
PEACE and walnuts