Corner Of Echols Dorm
Echols/dropped off where needed
Riverview Park, Chesapeake Street, Charlottesville, VA, USA
A mere 15 minutes from here, there lies a wonderful rope over the Rivanna River. This Sunday, while the water is still warm and the weather is warmer, we shall endeavor to swing from this blessed rope and relish in the river’s cool embrace.
I’ve never swung from a rope before, but I think it will be fun. This rope swing has two distinct heights to swing from. The lower one isn’t too high and the second is pretty high. We’ll probably just swim in the river mostly, so if you decide you don’t want to swing at all that’s cool. Bring some light food if you want. I may bring grapes…
4:00 pm – meet at Echols dorm
4:20 – park there and start walking
4:30 – arrive at rope swing
7:00 ish y’all get dropped off
Bathing suit DUH
Food to share if you’re feeling cool and nice