Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Bearfence Mountain Trail
I unfortunately can’t make it to the other bearfence sunrise happening earlier in the week but I also really want to do a bearfence sunrise so here is a rival trip with superior incentives.
It’s the weekend and early morning wake ups are understandably hard BUT this hike is wicked easy (anecdotal evidence suggests that the trek to the summit takes 13 minutes) and I will bring a couple camp stoves so that we can make pancakes at the top!
Here’s the schedule:
5:40-Meet at Echols
6:45-Get to the trailhead
7:18-The sun rises as we eat pancakes, romantic
9ish-Be home in Cville!
You should dress warmly in layers because winter, but also bring water, coffee, snacks, good shoes, and whatever else you feel like you might need.
I unfortunately do not have a car so I’ll have to waitlist everybody until drivers sign up, but drivers are reimbursed plus 50% tip! Also make sure to show up to Echols with a FULL tank o gas. Drivers and those w an SNP pass get priority!!