Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Byrd Theater, Carytown, Richmond
This weekend Richmond is holding its first ever environmental film festival, called The BIGGEST Picture. I’d like us to go see some of the screenings Saturday, and possibly to kayak, hike, or bike around the James river and its parks afterwards, if the weather is kindly.
The Saturday films include: The Lorax (based on the metaphorical Dr Seuss story); Planet Earth, the Future (exploring mankind’s effect on Earth’s limited remaining wild places); We Aren’t Blocking Traffic, We Are Traffic (about the Critical Mass grassroots bicycle movement that began in San Fran in 1992 and spread around the globe. A free bike will be given to someone in the audience); The Corporation (a 2-hr critique of, well, you guessed it…)
Furthermore, Ralph Nader himself will be speaking at 1:00 in the afternoon. Interesting.
You can learn about the festival here, and see if the Sunday films might interest you also:
The club provides: Organization and rides; possibly gas reimbursement pending officer approval; biking and kayaking gear if we get enough people to do that kind of stuff
You provide: $10 1-day festival pass ($15 for 2-day pass); any gear you have for afternoon outdoorsey activities; snacks and water of your liking; $ for daytime snacks or possible trip to Legends afterwards
Afternoon activities are tentative. Once I see how many people are interested in the films, and how many in films plus other stuff, and what kind of drivers sign up, I will work out a plan. If anybody wants to play in Richmond in the afternoon, but not attend the festival, email me, and we can probably work something out.