Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
New River Gorge
The weather is supposed to let up, promise, and then it’s supposed to be gorgeous cool 60F weather at my favorite climbing place in the east, the New River Gorge.
I can only take one day away from town, so for all of you who’ve got too much work to spend a whole weekend away, this trip is for you! For this trip you should be able to comfortably climb 5.10, if you’re not quite there and cool with sitting around a bit more, that’ll be fine too. Email me if you have questions. We’ll be on climbs from 5.9 to 5.12. Lead climbers and drivers will get priority off the waitlist. There will be limited teaching on this trip since it’s short. Here are the logistics:
Fri – head out from Cville, grab dinner on the road.
– camp at Ray’s with their lovely warm showers and flat camping
Sat – make breakfast (eggs + bread)
– climb at Summersville or somewhere else (I’m open to suggestions)
– eat lunch provided by club (if you’re a hungry monkey you may want to supplement!)
– climb more!
– leave the crag by 6pm
– dinner is up in the air, probably something on the road
– home by 11pm
Club provides: camp and climbing gear you need, ga$ reimbursement for drivers, camp fee, breakfast and lunch, an amazing climbing experience
You bring: camp and climbing gear you have, $$ for dinners on the road, snacks, 2L+ water, warm layers (puffy, hat, gloves, thermal layer, wool socks), approach shoes (20min walk), rain gear (just in case!), UTENSIL, CUP, PLATE (or you have to stick your face in the pot!), camera, headlamp. High temp for Sat is 65F, low is 42F, plan accordingly!