Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
You know the deal. Maybe you don’t. I’ll rehash it anyways.
Come climb on Thursday at Peak Experiences in Richmond. This indoor climbing gym has discounts for college kids on Thursdays, so climbing is extra cheap ($7) and extra fun. I will waitlist people till more drivers sign up. Also, I will limit the number of non belayers, but if you fall into that catagory, don’t be afraid to sign up.
We provide:
reimbursements for gas if you drive
you provide:
a car if you are so inclined
gear if you have it
good karma
supple hands
Everyone meet at 5:00 at echols for gear. If you do not need gear, meet at 5:30. If you cannot make 5:00 and need gear, put a note in the question about gear and I will get it for you.