Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
There was no peak trip last week and that made me sad. The only way to cure this sadness is to go to peak!
So this will be the standard peak trip. leave from Echols at 5:30 and drive to peak (a little over an hour away), climb till they kick us out, and stop by sheetz on the way home. we should get back by about 12-12:30.
Club Provides:
Gas and awesome climbing buddies
You Provide:
$9 for the group rate at peak and a few $ for sheetz on the way back if you wanna.
The Club also provides the climbing gear (harness, shoes, atc, locking caribiner, and chalk bag) but you are going to need to go to the gear room as i can’t open it.
I will expand the trip as i get more drivers and belayers will get priority