Corner Of Echols Dorm
Corner Of Echols Dorm
Ragged Mountain Nature Area, Reservoir Road, Charlottesville, VA, USA
yep yep yep. No more polar plunges unless it gets cold again (soooo maybe next week lol). But yeah, Lila and I are making the transition to a weekly paddleboard series.
soooo what we gon be doin ??
The plan is to meet at echols, nyoom over to ragged, SUP (stand up paddleboard) for a bit, and head back in time to go outttt because Thursday is kinda the weekend
the sched (pronounced “skej”)
5PM – meet @ ech
5:05 – leave fo ragged
5:20 – get to ragged, pump up the sups, n get goin
6:45 – head back home
what to bring??
swimsuit n towel if u want
heart fulla love
shoes that can handle water for sup (or no shoes)
water n snack
juicy gossip
DRIVERS NEEDED — drivers will get priority off of the waitlist O_O