Bookstore Parking Garage
Jones Run / Doyle River
I want to go run the Jones Run / Doyle River loop this Saturday. It’s about 7 miles. I’m not too into speed, and parts of it are steep, so it’ll probably be a slow pace or walking at times (gasp). Plus, it’s a really nice area and I might want to enjoy a little bit (there’s a swimming hole or three, too)! So if you’re in that kind of mood, come keep me company!
Bring water and anything you want to eat. Maybe eating an early lunch would be a good idea — you know your schedule better than I do. We’ll be at the trailhead around 1:00. When we’re back depends on how we feel. There’s plenty of trail to run if the loop isn’t enough.
I’ll drive. Saturday is a home football game, so we will not be able to meet at Bonnycastle. I’ll pull into the parking garage and pick you up off the sidewalk. If that’s all blocked off, stand on the curb and wave at me (blue 4-door Mazda Protege).