Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Preddy Creek
*CANCELLED* let’s push through this biting cold and embrace that CRISP, FRESH AIR (and the gov’t shutdown keeping us from national parks) with an early afternoon trail run at Preddy Creek.
Plan is to meet at Echols side door around 1pm, drive out (~20 minutes), run/walk for roughly 45-60mins (everyone at their own pace), and come back around 2:30/3pm. All of the trails are relatively short so you can loop a few different portions. Everyone can run at their own pace, we will not be running together unless you want to buddy up. No seriously, i run stupid slow so don’t plan to trail behind me or you’ll be bored!
Drivers always needed, let’s get as many people on this trip as possible!!!
Things to bring:
-layers (i really won’t feel bad at aLL if you don’t dress appropriately)
-gloves (optional)
-a water bottle or camelpak
-a chipper attitude
-not much else. running is pretty self explanatory.
text me if you have any questions at 8478630008.