Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Shenandoah National Park
This looks like a fun hike! It has some decent climbs, a couple nice views, and a ridge walk. We’ll leave Saturday at 10:00am and should return by 7pm, most likely more like 5:00 but please don’t have to be back at 5.
I need at least 2 people to sign up for this to count as a club trip. So, if you are the one and only, I will let you know before midnight tomorrow night.
What to bring: water, lunch/snacks, jacket, camera, hiking boots, yourself
The club will provide gas+30% tips for drivers or a seat in a car.
I will probably go to Anna’s Pizza or Five Guys for dinner upon return. This is not officially part of the club trip but you are welcome to join me.