Bonnycastle Circle
James River Reeling and Rafting
Does anyone actually read during reading days any way?
Instead of studying, relax in an inner tube for a few hours with some awesome people and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! (This is especially appealing for the lazy Outdoors people like me.)
If we can get a group of 25 or more, prices are $20 per person. Otherwise, it is $22 per person. Cooler tubes are $8 per person. I will set up some meeting times once I have a good amount of people signed up.
You bring:
Bathing suits
Shorts and t-shirt
Tennis shoes, sandals or Tevas. NO FLIPFLOPS!
Sunblock and sunglasses
Refreshments and $$ for cooler
Bring an extra set of clothing. You might want to use the indoor shower facilities to clean up after your day on the river.
Club Provides:
Car ride/Gas $$
Also- I will waitlist everyone until drivers sign up, and drivers have priority for getting on the trip.