Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
If you don’t know what Peak is about by now, put down whatever you’re smoking or drinking and search back in your email for info from somebody else. As much as I oppose driving all the way to Midlothian, wasting my time in transit, stomping my carbon footprint all over 64 to climb indoors among the Peak zombies and getting gas money subsidized by the club to do it (although I will gladly take it *two thumbs up*), sometimes it’s a necessary evil. By sometimes I mean whenever I need to pay way too much for new shoes that I can’t get anywhere else. Rest assured, I will safely hide away in Rocky Top come Wednesday for the rest of the winter until the next time my rubber wears through. I am lead certified and intend to lead after I take care of my shoe purchase; if you are too that would be excellent. Beginner’s welcome, don’t be disparaged by my grumpy tone, I am actually a rosy dude and happy to belay/coach/encourage you. I don’t know if we’ll be able to borrow club gear. I guess we will have to look into that.
Echols side door 5:30 (leaving at 5:40)
Return ~1130PM
I would rather not stop at Sheetz. Bring provisions; save your money.
I think 9.00 is the group rate, not sure.
I am willing to drive, but if you want to that would be swell.