Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Shenandoah National Park
Not skiing this weekend, but still want to get outside? Then come along on this moderately-strenuous hike in the southern section of the Shenandoah National Park. Turk Mountain is a 10-mile circuit hike that consists of 2400 feet of elevation gain, but offers great views as a reward.
Sunday’s forecast in Charlottesville is mid-30s and partly sunny, so be sure to dress warmly!
For more information, check out the trip description on the hiking upward web site:
Club provides: gas money for the drivers or a seat in the car
You provide: water, lunch/snacks, sturdy shoes, layers, an entertaining story, park pass if you have one
My car fits 4 people; I’ll expand the group size to a maximum of 15 as drivers sign up.