Bonnycastle Circle
Skydive Orange
Celebrate your victories with skydiving! There is no better way. Free-fall from 13,000 ft down to 5,500 ft in 50 seconds, then float 5 minutes under canopy with NOTHING under your feet! The natural high will last for days. Since you’re celebrating victory anyway, it’ll be even better! Overdosing is not a possibility; adrenaline is not dangerous.
Ten people can go this day. If you can’t go this day, try Part 2 the next weekend.
We need to pay $50 per person to the skydiving company as deposit. I need to have it asap; no exceptions, because 19 other people are counting on you to pay your deposit and be there, so we can get the group discount. Please mail it to me at
Baron Schwartz
1242 Holmes Ave
Charlottesville VA 22901
Email me and let me know to expect it. Make it payable to me. I’m paying the deposit ahead of time, and you are paying me back. I will let you off the waitlist when I get the check. This trip is first-paid, first-served and there was a waitlist for the last one, so act fast. You still need to sign up and answer all the adventure questions, please.
The fee is $220, but after the group discounts it becomes $183 for a TANDEM first jump. See for details.
To attend this trip, you must be at least 18 years old, able to read, write, be in reasonably good physical condition, understand the English language, and be under 220 pounds (if you are heavier, talk to me, we may be able to arrange for it). You need to bring a picture ID with DOB like a driver’s license, and must arrive on time because we are going to attend a scheduled class. The balance (minus your deposit) is payable when we get there, in Cash, Bank or postal MO, or Visa /MasterCard /Amex /Discover (credit card prices are a bit higher). Trying to guess the weather rarely works. It is your responsibility to turn up as scheduled, with the understanding that if the weather does turn out bad, you will have to reschedule the jump. Skydive Orange is adamant about this: you must show up, regardless of the weather. You are NOT to try to predict the weather and stay home if it looks bad. We’ll lose the group discount if that happens.
You must look at the FAQ’s and so you will know how it all works. What to wear is on If you have some light gloves, bringing them would be a good idea when the weather is cold.