Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Walnut Creek Park
ODC cordially invites you to come eat food and slack off at the Creekathon. I’ll bring a couple different lines (a classic and a surf mebbe) and we can break it down and get loose near the lake. Then afterward we can show off our choice ‘barrows and throw some gnar tricks in the park.
Good things for you:
-you don’t need experience
-you don’t need anything to slack
-you will learn more than you thought possible about wheelbarrows
The two things you do need:
-bring some sort of water container
-do bring a side dish. Even a bag of chips.
That’s it! I’ve limited the trip to 5 due to car space but if another driver signs up I’ll open it up. See you out there.
P.S. Here’s an idea of what extreme wheelbarrowing encompasses: