Smoky Meadows Campground, Bryson City, NC
I’m “coordinating” a trip to Carolina Canoe Club’s Week of Rivers (WOR)… Go directly to the source, and get all the beta you could ever want about this event here:
Now incase you didn’t read all that, here’s my quick summary: This is a week long event in Western NC, where most in attendance camp out at a site in Bryson City, NC which is quasi-central to many rivers in the region, and then River trips and clinics at ALL SKILL LEVELS depart daily from the campground. It’s one of the few times where you can actually bring a group with diverse skill sets and have there be something for everyone to thoroughly enjoy.
There is no plan! We’ll get there when we get there, and everyone can figure out what to paddle daily once down there – see link above for the CCC’s description on how that works.
You must have taken the Intro Course from Dave C, Joe T, or Myself to come on this trip. There will be some beginner/novice trips at WOR, thou there will probably be more trips available for the more skilled. Nevertheless, I’m waitlisting everyone till I screen your skills.
I am NOT “leading” any river trips, I am only coordinating some food and transportation for this event, you are responsible for your own safety and the activities you choose to participate in while on this trip, and you agree to have read and will abide by the American Whitewater Safety Code http://www.americanwhitewater.org/content/Wiki/safety:start?
It is likely that I’ll personally paddle the Upper and Middle Ocoee – TN, Chattooga Sect IV – GA, and Cheoah – NC at some point while on this trip – those with the appropriate skills may join me on these runs as “Common Adventurers”
Everyone can come and go as they please, and don’t have to spend the entire week there (Thou I’m going to set the trip up for the entire week, and make a futile attempt to limit the # of vehicles going there from Cville, so everyone being flexible by a day or two will help). There are other non-club folks also coming and going at various times throughout the week, so yall could possibly hitch a ride with them.
The Club’s $150/vehicle allotment will probably cover everyone’s round trip transportation to WOR, and not much else, as WOR is also unaffectionately known as “Week of Driving” and all participants are encouraged/expected to offer a contribution to the gas fund for whoever their driver is for the day (which may or many not be club members/vehicles) So everyone should probably bring about $10-20 per day worth of extra gas $ for the day trips once we’re down there.
Will be at the Smoky Meadows Campground, and will probably share site(s) with some other Coastal’s members that will also be down there. The group rate is $10/day and the club will cover $5/day worth of it, so everyone needs to come up with the extra $5/day.
I’ll buy some… The Club’s $4/day summer allotment for food will probably cover your daily river lunch and snacks, and hopefully some breakfast. But bring additional $ for camp dinner, or be prepared to eat out on the way back from the daily river trips.
Boat/Gear if you need it, camping gear, Ride to/from WOR, and some food.
Any river gear you have, on and off river clothes for several days.
I put a guestimate of $200 for the fee – which should cover camp fees, gas $ for the daytrips, and some additional camp food, and a CCC Membership). Membership in Carolina Canoe Club is required to participate in WOR – which is $20/year, you can signup online, or when you get there – Bad river Karma will probably follow any who try to stiff the CCC on dues!
If you’re in the market for your own gear, or gear upgrades, bring additional funds – as someone’s always selling used gear. Also – the Nantahala Outdoor Center traditionally offers a substantial (20-30%) discount night to WOR participants – that would be a great time to pickup that boat, upgraded paddle, drytop, etc that you always wanted!
There is commercial rafting available on a variety of rivers – such as The Cheoah – which will be releasing on the 7th and 8th and has more than twice the average gradient, and 3 times the maximum gradient as the Upper Gauley!) Let me know if you want a recommendation on an outfitter. There may be a private raft or two at WOR, but no one that I know.
I’m sure there’s some rocks or trails or something else yall can do in the Smoky Mountains, so if you want to join this trip and coordinate your own daily activities feel free to join.
Put any questions you may have in the Q/A, and get excited!