Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Snowshoe Mountain
For those of us who can’t bare to wait a week longer and didn’t have the bills for Whistler: snatch a spot!
I’ve reserved the standard issue six-person Company House in Cass West Virginia. I’ll fit ten though and we aim to do it. Better cozy then cash poor.
The itinerary is as follows:
Friday, January 11th
Meet at Echols dorm at 5:00pm to pack the cars
(If there is a driver interested in hitting the slopes Friday there may be an alternate early departure possibility).
Fill up gas tanks and Depart for Cass, West Virginia by 5:30pm
Arrive in Cass around 8:30pm
Settle into the house at Cass Scenic Railroad State Park
Chillax for indefinite period.
You will be on your own for dinner Friday.
Saturday, January 12th
Breakfast will be provided
Leave bright and early to hit the slopes. Each car determines when they would like to return to Cass as night skiing at Silver Creek will be an option. Discuss with your driver what their plan is.
Your on your own for lunch (bring a little extra $$ or pack a PBJ)
Cook dinner and hang out.
Sunday, January 13th
Breakfast will be provided
Check out of the house at Cass (minor clean-up)
Pack the cars
Hit the slopes again. Discuss with your driver the plan for departure. This time we will be heading directly from Snowshoe to Charlottesville so night session is unlikely.
Your on your own for lunch and dinner Sunday.
Depart Snowshoe mountain at the time chosen by your driver.
Arrive in Charlottesville and crash out.
This trip is going to be sweet, so sign up while there is still space.
Please specify if you would rather leave early (around 6:00am) or at 5:00pm.
What the club provides:
$5 per person per full day (2) for lodging
$12 per person per full day (2) for food
up to $100 per car for gas plus 30% tip for the drivers (up to $10)
Facilitating an awesome time
What you Provide:
$22 fee for lodging
$$ for lunch on Saturday and Sunday
$$ for dinner on Friday and Sunday
Sleeping bag and pad
Lift ticket/season pass
Equipment/rental fees
Warm clothes
Everyone will be waitlisted until enough drivers sign up. Once you have been accepted to the adventure, make your $22 check out to Jonathan Dickinson and mail it to 3600 Country Lane, Charlottesville VA 22903