Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
I have not picked the cave yet. Depending on who signs up and the interest of the group, we will go to the cave that we find the most interesting and accessible. Transportation will probably be about an hour and a half both ways, but it depends on where we go. You should bring water, snacks, headlamps/flashlights, and gloves if you have them. I have a couple flashlights and backup batteries that I will be bringing as well as three extra helmets. As of now I am limiting the size of the trip to three people other than myself because I can only fit that many into my car and I do not have enough helmets for more people than that number of people. If someone with a car signs up I will increase the number of people that can go and try and find more helmets.
Something to consider about caves. If you do not feel comfortable in tight places or in the dark, this might not be a good trip for you. However, if you think you are interested in caving, this would be a good opportunity to see what its like!