Beta Bridge
Lambeth Field
Beta Bridge, Rugby Road, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Have you ever wondered what’s below Beta Bridge?? Maybe cryptids? aliens? ancient treasure? Copious amounts of Busch cans? Join me and Ed in the spirit of Earth Day as we clean up trash under Beta with the UVA Office of Sustainability (who will reportedly give us BODOS?!?!) and chill out after with some Lambeth Field frisbee/sportsball!
Time thing
11am: Meet at Beta to get all the cleaning stuff (AS WELL AS FREE BODOS?!?) from the Sustainability office and join the other volunteers
11 to potentially 1 (non-committal): Go UNDER beta bridge to see all the cool stuff and pick up trash down there!
After: head to Lambeth Field to chill, frisbee, sportsball, whatever our hearts desire
To bring:
– Cleanin’ spirit
– Closed toed shoes – there’s probably glass down there
– Frisbee, sportsball, speaker, whatever you want for chill time after
link to office of sustainability event:
Hope to see you there!