Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Bearfence Mountain Trail
Ahh, yes. A true classic. When your schedule is all over the place, there’s no better way to get your outdoors fix in on a tight time-budget than to bop on up to Bearfence in SNP to watch the sun come up!
The hike is short but fun, the views are hard to beat, and with temps starting to warm back up, we just might get the chance to see one of Shenandoah’s many local black bears. How neat is that?
Thursday’s weather looks good, so let’s hit it. If you feel so inclined, check out the hike here:
We’ll plan to meet at Echols at 5:25am and hit the road by 5:30. The drive is about an hour, so we should be getting to the parking lot circa 6:30. From there, we’ll hike about 13.652 minutes to the top, catch the sunrise @ 7:05 and hangout for bit, hike back down and be back on grounds some time around 8:30, but definitely no later than 9.
-sturdy shoes
-extra layer or two for when we stop moving
headlights will NOT be necessary
-drivers get priority off the waitlist. The club reimburses for gas +50% tip!
-drivers need to show up to Echols with a full tank of gas!
If you made it this far, after I titled the trip ‘ye ol’ faithful’, I Google searched that name out of curiosity for what might turn up, and you might be interested to know that the second link that came up was an Urban Dictionary definition that read “Top Definition. Squiggy Jiggy. When a mans Penis is so fucking floopy it looks a squids tentacle dancing around.”
Carry on.