Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Bearfence Mountain Trail
bearfence will still be your sunrise on the darkest day, the views will have you feelin some type of way, you’ll want to savor ever moment slowly BUT it has gotten even better folks (so much better that even the pancake bearfence trip going out saturday can’t compete)
a rare lunar trilogy is happening on the final day of january, so what does this mean? a supermoon, blue moon AND lunar eclipse will occur simultaneously so basically we gotta scale this mountain in order to catch this super blue blood moon getting eclipsed before it sets to the west & then immediately see the sun rise to the east. (now lets just hope mother nature has her ish together wedneday morning & allows the weather to cooperate for us)
so basically this has the potential to be sick as heck so you really shouldn’t be deterred by the earlier departure date.
this will still be a super quick & easy hike (like 15 min up 15 min down, only a mile!) and it comes with some super incredible views. arguably one of the best places to see the sunrise (or so i am told by fellow odc members). unfortunately i am on a time crunch for this bad boy so we can’t really chill after the sun rises but we will have time to watch it, take a few pics, and get on our merry way!
logistics have changed, it will now be as follows:
5:15 AM: arrive ready to go
5:20 AM: depart Echols
6:20 AM: it’s about an hour drive to the trailhead
6:35ish AM: hopefully witness the full moon and the eclipse
~ukele jams, snacks, good stories, good times as we chill~
7:20 AM: savor every moment of the sunrise
7:45 AM: on the road back to UVA
8:45 AM: hopefully arrive back in time for me to sprint to my 9 AM
-layers (BRING LOTS we will be up there for a good amount of time now)
-sleeping bag/blankets whatever will maximize your warmth & your experience
-solid shoes
-breakfast or snacks
-$5 or SNP pass
-musical instruments, good playlists, good stories, good cameras etc
DRIVERS & SNP holders get priority off the waitlist. The club will reimburse you for gas +50% tip just make sure you arrive with a full tank!