Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Pocahontas State Park
Gobble Gobble,
Gobble gobblegobblegobble, gobblely gobble. GOBBLE G***LE GOBBLES! Gobble Gobble.
^Sorry for my Thanksgiving rant
I scheduled my flight for Wednesday and all of my classes next week were subsequently cancelled… so I have absolutely nothing better to do than go shred some gnar! It’s almost like this isn’t my fourth year to have the classes before thanksgiving cancelled…
Come join me at Pocahontas State Park for some wicked awesome mountain biking! Trails can be anything from easy to hard, long to short, traditional wooded trails to gnarly manicured trails, and more! I will tailor the experience to those who join. The weather is supposed to be pretty, so here’s to fingers crossed!
Check out the trails here:
The Skinny:
Tuesday November 20th at 9 am
Meet at Echols
Drive to Pocahontas (~1.5 hours)
Shred until we don’t wanna no more
Return to Cville by 3 at latest
Intermediate to advanced riders preferred. This means you are decently self proficient on a bike and would feel comfortable riding at a brisk pace in the backwoods. We can split into groups depending on who wants to come.
What you need:
A bike and helmet (club can provide)
2-3 liters agua
gloves (highly recommended)
appropriate outerwear (check forecast ahead of trip)
snacks (bonus points if you bring stuffing or other Thanksgiving related foods)
Probably want to bring a lunch
There is also a $5 park fee per car, so bring a dollar for that.