HELLO shredlings!
We come to you asking for help! Many of you know that we take an annual spring break trip to Moab, Utah. To get to Moab we drive ~10 cars full of gear, food, and shred babies. We are reaching out to you today because this year we have found ourselves in a predicament in which not enough people with large vehicles have signed up for the trip! Because of this, we have decided to reach out to the entire club to let people know that if they have access to a LARGE vehicle (SUV or larger) and are willing to drive it across the country + have interest in going to Moab, to reach out to the officers ASAP (outdoors-officers@virginia.edu) saying so. You WILL receive priority on the trip even if you did not originally enter the lottery! We will be accepting new folks (first come, first served) until Friday, February 10.
Also… come to our bonfire at the shred shack on Thursday (Feb 2) at 8pm!
Happy trails,
Sophia, Phillip, Max, and Ed